Welcome to Zoldak Research
We approach research differently. Built from the ground up from new technology that gives us the ability to quote pricing for polls within hours — sometimes minutes — we give our clients the most aggressive pricing on all quantitative modes. We also build all research projects as communications strategists. That means, you will never be left with a stack of research results asking yourself, “What do I do now?” Finally, you can cut out the expensive third-party research team that leaves more questions than answers.
The Zoldak Research Difference
Reasons Our Clients Conduct Research
Poll at regular intervals to measure shift in public opinion, tell you how much your issue matters in the minds of your target audience, and benchmark each and every aspect of your campaign.
Measuring public sentiment and releasing polls can allow your organization to become a thought leader and newsmaker.
There is only one way to know which message works best for which audiences. Often, the key to winning is here in the crosstabs.
Highly underestimated as a government relations strategy, bringing the opinion of the constituent to the lawmaker can be your most powerful move.
Test whether those exposed to your advertising have an increased favorability towards your brand or message.
Paired with a pre-campaign benchmark or mid-campaign tracking survey, a post-campaign efficacy survey can tell you the final shift in public opinion on your issue.